The Truth in Ed SC Coalition was formed to ensure that our children learn an accurate history of our country and state so they can grow up to be informed and engaged adults.
As concerned parents, educators, business owners, advocates, and activists, we believe:
- All young people, including in South Carolina, deserve to learn a FULL and ACCURATE HISTORY including historical events free from censorship or discrimination.
- Equal access to learning about indigenous heritage and culture in our education institutions is essential. Representation matters.
- Native American genocide, slavery and Jim Crow, the Chinese Exclusion Act and Japanese internment, the oppression of women and LGBTQIA people can be uncomfortable subjects for those groups to discuss. NOT discussing their history accurately and from their perspective is even more painful and insulting. Teach the ACCURATE TRUTH
- The SC public education system is wrestling with COVID, teacher shortages, low student academic achievements, and other problems. Banning teaching the truth in US history will harm, NOT improve educational outcomes.
- SC lawmakers should fund public education, not pass laws that threaten to take millions of dollars away from public schools that teach students accurate history.
- All students deserve an accurate education, including historical events like slavery and Jim Crow, in a classroom free from censorship or discrimination. OPPOSE H.4799 and H.B.4325 #ProTruthSC
- All students deserve to be represented in their classroom education. Their history and ancestors matter.
- SC Educators should be respected as professionals to provide students with a quality education that’s representative and inclusive of a diverse student population.
- Our teachers deserve better than threats of losing school funding if they teach students about the lived experiences of their students.
- The history and lived experiences of marginalized people should not be erased but celebrated and expanded.